Did you know?
Your resumé plays an

important role in winning

quality job interviews. It must project your professional expertise, and it must be done with as few words as possible. In resumé writing, less is truly more.
Your Resumé
“The written word is the most powerful drug used by mankind.”
- Rudyard Kipling
Selling yourself is the same as selling anything else. You must get your marketing piece (resumé) in front of people who can make hiring decisions. If done correctly, a hard hitting resumé can open doors you never thought possible. If poorly written, those same doors can stay closed for a long time.
Our Resume Writing Service is second to none. Email your resumé to us for a free evaluation. We’ll call you for a no-cost discussion of the document’s effectiveness in the workplace. Let’s put it another way. Are you satisfied that your resumé reflects the very best talent you have to offer an employer? Are you satisfied that the accomplishments and skills described on your resumé can change your life, and the lives of your family?
You should be. A well written resumé, one that stands out from the thousands most companies receive every year, can do just that. Our comments in your free resumé assessment will be very specific. If it’s great, we’ll congratulate you! If it can be improved, we will be precise in explaining why and how we can produce a document (we never “re-write” resumés) that will land interviews.
A resumé is your personal ad, it’s your opportunity to tell the reader your story, while shining the brightest possible light on your accomplishments and expertise. You deserve a leading edge document that will showcase your ability, energy, personality and results you’ve obtained.
At Career Dynamics USA, we have written resumés for executives around the United States. Founded in 1984, the company has established a true national presence through the clients we have helped, and the work we have produced.
Again and again clients have told us about the increased self-confidence that comes with having a career summary that truly describes who they are, a summary that can be sent to anyone with pride. Frequently it will serve as a road map at the interview.
Your written presentation is a critical part of a strong job campaign. Shouldn’t it be in the hands of a professional writer?
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Career Dynamics USA | 9900 Corporate Campus Drive Suite 3000 | Louisville, Kentucky 40223