Did you know?
An efficient job search
is full time work.
That means putting your search ahead of other personal matters. Procrastination is not acceptable.
Career Transition
“Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Anyone who loses a job is in for a rough emotional ride. Feelings of shock and disbelief are commonplace. For many in our society, self worth has become too closely connected with what we do for a living. If the job goes, a healthy self-image may go with it, leading to very real psychological devastation.
For these very reasons, career marketing and counseling services have become a centerpiece in business practice. When paid for by the employer, it is termed an outplacement benefit, and is a growing practice for companies who want to help the terminated employee find his way in the job marketplace.
But what of the displaced worker who does not have the luxury of a corporation paying for these services? Clearly, their needs are every bit as real and every bit as urgent.
At Career Dynamics USA we have played a critical role in directing the successful job campaigns for executives from virtually every walk of life. Without such guidance, a job search can be a bewildering experience, one lasting for many months.
It doesn’t have to be that way!
While it’s true today’s economy presents its own set of hard challenges for job seekers, it’s also true the “job market” is often exactly what the candidate makes of it. One individual may focus on the past, on events that led to his or her current situation. Another may, with brimming self confidence, see this as the opportunity that it is to explore wonderful new possibilities!
Easy enough to say, far more difficult for the candidate to implement.
Our company’s mission, our reason for existence, is to guide individuals through the complex maze of job searching. From creation of the client’s message, its effective presentation in a variety of circumstances and negotiating for what your abilities deserve…we can help.
It’s your choice.