Did you know?
Nothing life has to offer

is worth the price of

worry and stress. If career problems exist, talk with a professional coach. It’s your choice.
About Us
“If you’d know the power of money, go and borrow some. A penny saved is a penny earned.”
- Ben Franklin
Career Dynamics USA offers a full range of services in career coaching and management. Our founder and principal owner, Larry Morris, has over 17 years of outstanding success in helping senior and mid-level executives win exciting new positions…and quickly.
Studies have demonstrated that an average job search takes about eight months. Too often the search takes considerably longer. Our clients are usually meeting their new career challenges in a much shorter time frame.
Does that mean it’s an easy process? Not hardly. If you are willing to work hard, follow our lead and move at an energetic pace, we will help you achieve your career goals.
Our emphasis is on turning every job “interview” into a conversation about mutual benefit that is a win-win scenario. Add the written word and creative follow-up to the mix, get used to planned action and weekly goals, and we have the core elements of success.
In addition to having penned countless resumes, letters, and memos for business leaders, Morris is a former journalist. He has published many hard news and feature stories while working for United Press International and the Tampa Times. In short, he micro-manages written materials and all phases of bold and successful job campaigns. The results are crystal clear.
About money. At Career Dynamics USA, we believe you pay for services needed and wanted. Not every client’s needs are the same. By working together, we can determine exactly how we can help in what is probably a difficult transition for you and your family.
Perhaps you can most benefit by taking advantage of all our capabilities. Or, you may choose one or two.
Shouldn’t you be the one to make that decision?