Did you know?
Old ideas can paralyze

effective action. A job

search must be aggressive, creative and well managed. The stakes are too high for business as usual.
On-Going Direction
“Excellence is doing a common thing in an uncommon manner.”
- Booker T. Washington
If you have ever thought that being offered an excellent, well paid job was for people “luckier” than you; if you have ever looked at someone happily employed at the right job and thought “Why can’t that be me?” we can help
Psychologists have written that losing a job, or simply being in the position of needed new employment…quickly, can be one of the most emotionally devastating things to happen to someone.
By selecting this service you have chosen to absolutely make a very big change in your professional and personal life. In point of fact, you should congratulate yourself on taking decisive action to correct professional problems.
Please remember this…there is ALWAYS a next step in a well managed job search. That’s what our company does. We micro-manage the written and verbal presentation of who you are professionally, the creation of your message and how to deliver that message to the right people.
Your job search will require hard work, determination and a willingness to take direction. If you agree with these principles, we will have regularly scheduled meetings until we, as a functioning team, are successful. We will meet over the conference table and over the telephone, with regular email communication. We will plan strategy and tactics together, remembering that as professional career coaches, we will take the lead.
Only a few examples of on-going questions would include:
- What is the best approach to a target company? Letter and resume? Letter alone? By-pass both, and simply make a phone call, a well thought out phone call?
- After a meeting, it is imperative that the follow up letter or email convey the right information, with the right “feel” to it. Some will be very aggressive. Others, more traditional. Still others will be completely “outside the box.”
- What elements of our message, our description of who we are professionally, do we want to emphasize to a particular company? The wrong choice can make employment utterly impossible with that organization.
- What specific weekly goals will we set? These are planned and specific, since accountability from both the client and Career Dynamics USA are cornerstones of our success.
We have the longevity, the referrals, the testimonials from real-life cases and an absolute commitment to excel, to be the best in our field. It is with deep pride that I simply say…our record speaks for itself.