Did you know?
The heavy majority

of job openings are

never advertised. Efficiency demands aggressive and innovative methods to win the right job, at the right compensation.
“I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity.”
- John D. Rockefeller
Anger, confusion, and helplessness are only a few of the emotions a terminated employee may experience after losing a job. Delivering the message is difficult enough. Hearing the news is far worse.
We are available to be on-site to immediately help the client deal in the most effective way possible with this major life change. Outplacement counseling can help the executive in pin-pointing the talents and expertise that will make job searching less difficult.
Far more importantly, the job seeker is not alone. We take the client straight to our offices to begin work on this new and exciting challenge. There is much to do.
By offering expert guidance, the company minimizes trauma for the individual and other employees. In every industry, companies have found outplacement counseling to be beneficial to the displaced executive.
And how could it be otherwise?
Career transition is difficult work at all times. When suddenly forced on a man or woman the shock has caused financial crisis and fear to even begin looking for new employment. Without professional job-searching help, individuals can take three to four times longer to re-enter the workforce.
But given the opportunity to work with professional counselors, the individual may soon begin to see the event as an opportunity to explore new careers, new people, and new challenges!
Job searching, if managed well by the outplacement firm, will present the candidate with new and profitable horizons to explore. Perhaps small business ownership is an option. Or joining a smaller company on the way up. Or looking seriously at an entirely new career.
Professional outplacement is a solution to one of the most difficult problems facing any company. How to let an employee “go” while enabling him to keep dignity and hope for the future.
At Career Dynamics USA, we micro-manage job searches. We work hard and long hours to ease re-entry to the workplace. Written reports are given the former employer outlining the progress of the client. And failure is not an option.